Mission At The Cross Info

About the Mission at the Cross

"The Mission at the Cross is a working ministry from Laurel, Mississippi that relies on volunteers, donations and fundraising to provide housing, meals and clothing free of charge to the men who grace our doors. Our purpose is to provide a safe, nourishing environment to men who have become homeless as a result of job loss, divorce, death of a spouse or substance abuse, among other things. The Mission at the Cross operates under the abiding principle of love for our fellow man and a desire to share God's love with all whom we encounter. It's very difficult to witness to a person who has been sleeping under a bridge for a week and is cold, tired and hungry. Add to that misery, suffering the break up of a family, the loss of a spouse or the loss of a job and the will to go on. Mission at the Cross provides that respite from homelessness and hopelessness and helps restore the lives of homeless men who have run out of options and men who are suffering from bad choices. Our ministry is unique and ever expanding as we witness God at work in the lives of the homeless men we serve. Pray that God will reveal to you what you can do to help and if He so directs, please come be a part of Mission At The Cross ministries all across America!"

Ministry Needs

We have placed a list of Mission at the Cross Ministry needs on the bulletin board in the education building hallway. Please take a look at the items and if you want to help supply these essential daily needed items, please place them on the designated table in the Fellowship Hall. We will gather those items at the end of each month and deliver them. If you want to bring food items that are perishable, let us know beforehand and we will make sure that those items are kept refrigerated until delivery. Thank you for your support of this ministry.